Community-based SMEs
Tama Region in Tokyo
Case Study #9
Hoping to connect local agriculture to the next generation to support enjoyable dining table
Emalico Kunitachi Co., Ltd.
Emalico Kunitachi Co., Ltd., established in 2011 as a Tokyo agricultural revitalization venture as a Tokyo vegetable distribution company, is are engaged in a variety of initiatives to publicize the attractions of “machinaka agriculture” adjacent to urban areas in Tokyo. We spoke with Ayumi Endo, director of the president’s office and in charge of public relations and external affairs, who is working hard every day to create an enjoyable dining table for the next generation.
Recognition from Hearing
Points and the necessary support for initiatives that lead to the improvement of sustainability of SMEs with close ties to the community
• Regular sharing of corporate aspirations within the organization has led to the maintenance and improvement of motivation of employees.
• The sharing of aspirations is also a major factor in the area of recruitment.
• In our business operations, the company emphasizes the importance of maintaining close sharing of information and constantly encouraging awareness and improvement.
• It has become a movement project to pursue the ideal of a sustainable city, such as maintaining productive green spaces in cities, protecting and fostering urban agriculture, and local production for local consumption.
Linkage with the SDGs
Emalico Kunitachi Co., Ltd.’s project which includes activities to revitalize urban agriculture, create new distribution systems, and educate the next generation, is an effort to contribute to the achievement of goals 1, 2, 4, 8, 11, 12, 13, 15 and 17 of the SDGs.
(Hearing Date: October 8, 2019)
Corporate Information
Company Name: Emalico Kunitachi Co., Ltd.
Date of establishment: April 27, 2011
President and CEO: Yusuke Hishinuma
Head Office: 1-1-1, Naka, Kunitachi-shi, Tokyo
Capital: 32 million yen
Business Activities:
– Tokyo vegetable retail business
– Restaurant business
– Wholesale business
Number of employees: 60 (including part-time workers)